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英語学習のReading(読む)は、これでいけそうです。やっぱり「 英語の小説を読む 」ってハードル高いんです。いくら、自分の好きな小説っても、全文英語は続けられません…。が、毎日書いている自分のブログ記事ならどうでしょう?世界で唯一のオリジナル英語教材!かつ、そもそもの原文を自分が書いているので既に内容は理解できています。かつ、書いているテーマも自分自身が興味があるテーマです。ので、自分が興味あるテーマを英語で表現する方法を学べます。だから、どんな英語教材よりも世界で一番興味関心が持ち続けられるReading教材のできあがりです!天才!しかも、音声読み上げ機能もあるから、Hearing(聞く)教材としてもいけます。あぁ、天才やぁ…。

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この機能を使って「 Kindle出版の翻訳版 」を出してみよかな、と思っている次第です。先人がいるやろうから、また調べて考えていこー。デジタルコンテンツ、ストックビジネスってこんな感じで展開しやすい時代になりまくっておりますな。あとは、私が時代についていけてないことだけです…。


下記、誰も読まへんと思うけど、本日のブログ翻訳の全文貼っておきます。「 分かりやすく簡単な英語に翻訳してください。 」と指示しているので、そこそこ読めると思います、よ。ブログ記事と合わせて読んでみてください。

The Essence of Questioning Power: What’s the secret to becoming a top-notch professional? The unpublished backstory of Logical Questioning Techniques

Q: What mindset is needed to develop true questioning power that stands out?

Please think about it.

The book “Logical Questioning Techniques” continues to be read. Please see the image below for the number of pages read each month since its publication in January. January was the release month, and June is approaching the numbers of January.

Why??? And, Thanks!!!

Hmm, maybe “questioning power (technique)” is the current word of interest… So, this time, I will share some unpublished details about “questioning power” that are not written in the book “Logical Questioning Techniques”.

January to June total pages read per month *Excluding e-book downloads and paper bags Q: I don’t know what questions to ask… A: I don’t know!

Have you ever had a one-sided love? Those who have experienced unrequited love may become good at asking questions. I am a sticky type of unrequited lover. Some might say it’s creepy.

Those who have attended my courses or consultations know this. I am a question demon. The course hardly starts. In a 60-minute course, I spend 20 to 30 minutes asking questions. In individual consultations, there seems to be no sign of getting advice. You will be questioned for 20 to 30 minutes.

Yet, I’m holding back.

Actually, I want to use the 60 minutes like this:

50 minutes | Questions 05 minutes | Advice 05 minutes | Q&A

This is it. This is the ideal form of a top professional. Cool! Maybe I should do this… Compare this with your own time allocation. Third-rate salespeople, consultants, and instructors spend their time like this:

05 minutes | Self-introduction & questions 55 minutes | Advice & introduction of their own products & courses

Write down your own time allocation. Writing down ① your time allocation and then ② changing it is the first step to becoming a top professional. “What you recognize” can be improved. Before worrying about the content of your questions, you’re using your time wrong.

If you want to be top-notch, be attractive to others! When you go on a first date with someone you have a crush on, don’t you want to ask them various questions to know “more” about them? Attractive people always do this. Unattractive people keep talking about themselves.

A: Show interest in the other person

This is the conclusive answer to the question at the beginning of the blog “Q: What mindset is needed to develop true questioning power that stands out?” I can’t stop asking questions to the person I’m facing (students, consultees).

I want to ask about everything. Especially if the other person is an introverted comrade who is not aware of their own talent and is a slave to their thoughts. Especially if the other person is a junior consultant or someone who is studying to become one. I can’t stop asking questions. “What for?” “Why?” “What are you struggling with?” “What situation are you having trouble with?” “So, what do you want to become?” “What kind of company?” “What kind of boss?” “What do colleagues think of you?” “What’s your self-evaluation?” “So?” “So?” “So so so???” I can’t stop asking questions.

So, actually, I want to spend 50 or 60 minutes asking questions, not just 20 or 30 minutes. But “since it’s not requested,” I cut off the questions and start the course. In individual consultations, I fold in advice while asking questions.

Do you get it?

You don’t lack questioning power. What’s missing is your interest in the other person. Saying “I don’t know what questions to ask” is synonymous with “I’m not interested in the other person” and “I’m only interested in myself.”


If a student’s attitude is bad when I first meet them, the questioning time becomes very short 😁. Because my interest in the other person is instantly reduced. Because the feeling of wanting to help the other person and lighten their worries is reduced. (Ah, I just think they’re a troublesome person.)

To make good use of @Gorilla, you need to know that @Gorilla values “Respect for each other” and “win↔win” relationships.

And, to promote, the answer to the worry “Q: I don’t know what questions to ask…” is all written in the book “Logical Questioning Techniques.” What you can buy are ① ways of thinking, ② examples, and ③ a collection of question phrases I use. It’s written very carefully. It’s not idealistic like many general books, but only contains the real practical knowledge from my consulting field and workplace. So, it can be used as a lifelong practical book. What you won’t get from this book is the “stance of interest in the other person.”

If you like the other person, the switch will turn on automatically. But business partners are not about liking or disliking. “Turning on the switch of interest in the other person” is an app that top professionals have. The switch is not on the other person; it’s on you.

First, download the interest switch. Then, turn it on before the course or business talk starts. Really turn it on. “Click,” make the sound. OK? Do you understand?

Always, what’s important is your stance, not your skill. The first question you throw is about your own stance. The reason why good questioners are attractive is that their stance is attractive. Let’s do our best! Oh!

【Appendix】Two questions that I, as a consultant, was very careful about when meeting a business owner for the first time (1) Don’t ask questions that you could find out by researching (2) Don’t miss the intention behind the other person’s question (super insight)

(1) Don’t ask questions that you could find out by researching For me, researching a business owner’s “company information” before meeting them for the first time is common sense. I research as much as I can on my PC, including the company website, store website, recruitment website, SNS, etc. If you search the internet, you might even find past interview articles or local newspaper articles.

So, I don’t ask questions about corporate information that could be found out by researching. From the other person’s perspective, they might think, “Haven’t you even looked at our company website?” In the flow of conversation, I say, “Ah, the president’s words on the recruitment website also said ●●, right?” I convey this through the context. In other words, I show that I’ve looked into the details of the recruitment website. Then, I observe the other person’s reaction. Usually, there’s a favorable response like, “Ah, you’ve researched well.”

So, I used to measure myself by “understanding the content of the website better than the other person’s employees.” So, in most cases, I am admired for being “more knowledgeable than our employees.” What I do is simple. But because no one else does it, I’m popular.

(2) Don’t miss the intention behind the other person’s question (super insight) The more capable a business owner is, the more sensitive they are to “A for Q.” Whether the answer matches the intention of the question is very important. Many business people “miss” this.

To not “miss” the intention of the business owner’s question, you must “listen to the other person’s story with 100% focus.” Business owners ask questions with various intentions. Moreover, if it’s the first time meeting someone, you have to observe “what kind of character is this business owner?”

Are they just asking out of pure curiosity? Are they trying to test your strength? Are they trying to brand you in front of their employees?

No one wants to ask questions

It’s my original quote. Please note it down alongside the words of great people! Questions are a means. Behind every question, there is always a “thing” and an “emotion” that you want to resolve. Especially in “emotions,” the true meaning and intention of the question are hidden. If you don’t notice that, you will give an “off-target” answer to the other person’s question. Insight, observation, and the “courage to boldly challenge the other person’s question intention” are necessary.

You organize these in your head in a short time and return them in words. Of course, the stance is Respect and win↔win. When your answer captures the other person’s intention, it leads to “Are you staying overnight today? How about we go for a meal?” You become popular.

To summarize… (Let’s make it blog-like for a change)

  1. Visualize how you use your time! Rewrite it to the correct way of using time!
  2. Before the content of the question, show interest in the other person! Download the interest app! 【Appendix】
  3. Research things that can be researched beforehand! Before attending @Gorilla’s course, read @Gorilla’s profile and blog!
  4. Don’t just respond to the other person’s question! Focus 100% on the intention behind the other person’s question! And then, take a bold challenge! 【Promotion】
  5. Read @Gorilla’s book 😁! Logical Questioning Techniques
  6. Attend @Gorilla’s course 😁! Logical Questioning Techniques【Introductory Experience】

I had more to write, but it got too long, so I’ll end here. If there are still people who want to know more, please

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